17 May 2011

Angklung Buhun

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Salah satu jenis kesenian masyarakat Baduy yang pertama kali lahir adalah Angklung Buhun yang memiliki nilai magis (kekuatan gaib) dan sakral, selain itu punya arti penting sebagai penyambung amanat untuk mempertahankan generasi orang Baduy.

Angklung Buhun art is a unique angklung arts from Lebak Regency with a bamboo percussion equipment that formed in such a way that raises a harmonious tones. Buhun art has a simple art of characters both in lyrics or the song. Usually describes the nature around thereby creating a cozy, peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. Angklung Buhun means old angklung, ancient (old school) that in the truest sense is the artistic heritage. Called Buhun, because this art was born simultaneously with the presence of Baduy community. Thus one of the first born arts in Baduy community was the Angklung Buhun. The current set of players Angklung Buhun art was only found on ritual occasions, such as custom event in cisungsang Seren Taun and in the Baduy community in Lebak Regency.

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Kaskus Emoticons
:ilovekaskus :iloveindonesia :kiss :maho
:najis :nosara :marah :berduka
:malu: :ngakak :repost: :repost2:
:sup2: :cendolbig :batabig :recsel
:takut :ngacir2: :shakehand2: :bingung
:cekpm :cd :hammer :peluk
:toast :hoax: :cystg :dp
:selamat :thumbup :2thumbup :angel
:matabelo :mewek: :request :babyboy:
:babyboy1: :babymaho :babyboy2: :babygirl
:sorry :kr: :travel :nohope
:kimpoi :ngacir: :ultah :salahkamar
:rate5 :cool :bola
:mewek2: :rate-5 :supermaho :4L4Y
:hoax2: :nyimak :hotrit :sungkem
:cektkp :hope :Pertamax :thxmomod
:laper :siul :2malu: :ngintip
:hny :cendolnya

:maintenis: :soccer :devil
:kr2: :sunny

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